Why Donald Trump’s Relentless Pursuit of Retribution Threatens America’s Integrity
Introduction: Trump’s Call for Revenge and the “Stolen Election” Myth

Trump’s call for revenge at his inauguration needs little or no explanation. However, Donald Trump’s fixation on retribution has become a hallmark of his post-presidency persona. As he assumes the office of President for a second time, I suspect he finds it difficult to let go of old habits. He continues to push the narrative of a “stolen election,” a claim with little to no evidence, all while targeting public servants who dared to challenge him.
The 2020 election, widely regarded as fair and secure, has become a battleground for Trump’s vendetta. Accusations fly freely, but criminal convictions are nowhere to be found. Trump’s attacks on figures like General Mark Milley, Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, and other well-respected public officials have raised alarms. The former president’s relentless pursuit of revenge reveals more about his psyche than any real wrongdoing by those he seeks to punish.
This post examines why Trump seems determined to exact revenge on the men and women who have served the nation with honor. We will also delve into the critical distinction between a criminal charge and a criminal conviction, and why this distinction is central to understanding Trump’s quest for retribution.
Trump’s Delusions and the Stolen Election Myth: Trump’s call for revenge
Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him has been thoroughly debunked by courts, election officials, and bipartisan experts. Despite over 60 lawsuits failing to prove any widespread fraud, Trump continues to label the election “rigged.” This baseless narrative serves two purposes: it bolsters his ego and rallies his supporters, but more insidiously, it justifies his vendetta against public servants who have publicly disputed his claims.
While I am no psychiatrist, it appears to me as though the bravado of his false claims is something akin to a fear of failure. What appears as strength is in truth a fear of failure. If I were advising President Trump, I would suggest that he center his mind on the moment, not the past or the future but the right now. Only then can he put 100% of his effort into running the Nation’s executive branch.
For example, when Trump criticized and targeted General Mark Milley for supposedly being disloyal during his presidency, Milley had done nothing more than perform his duties within the confines of the law and his professional code.
Similarly, when Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger spoke out against Trump’s actions regarding the January 6 insurrection, they fulfilled their oaths of office by holding a sitting president accountable. Yet, Trump labeled them as “traitors” and “criminals,” framing their service to the nation as an act of betrayal.
Trump’s quest for vengeance against these figures stems from his warped perception that any dissent is an existential threat to his image and power. Public servants like Milley, Cheney, and Kinzinger stand as symbols of resistance to Trump’s agenda, and in his view, they must be destroyed. Let’s not forget the advice offered by Anthony Fauchi during the disastrous COVID pandemic that then President Trump refused to act upon. Now Fauchi is in the group of those whom President Trump vilified. You could not make this up.
The Critical Difference Between a Criminal Charge and Conviction
To understand Trump’s obsession with his perceived enemies, it’s important to recognize the legal distinction between a criminal charge and a criminal conviction. A criminal charge is merely an accusation, and many individuals, including Trump himself, have been charged with crimes over the years. However, a conviction requires evidence and due process, and this is where Trump’s rhetoric falls apart.
For example, Trump himself has faced criminal charges in multiple investigations, most notably for his role in the January 6 insurrection and his financial dealings. Yet, as of now, Trump remains unconvicted of these crimes. The same can be said for many of the public servants he targets. General Milley has not been convicted of any crime, nor has Representative Cheney. These individuals, despite facing heavy criticism from Trump, are not criminals under the law. In contrast, Trump’s rhetoric often casts them as such to rally his base, even though no legal judgment backs his claims.
Trump’s focus on revenge against those who have not been convicted is not just a legal oversight; it is a strategic effort to undermine the credibility of those who challenge him. By labeling them as criminals, he attempts to delegitimize their voices and actions, making it easier for him to manipulate the narrative. This is a common practice of autocratic leaders.
Why Trump’s Vengeance Is Harmful to America

Trump’s relentless pursuit of revenge is not just a personal issue—it poses a significant risk to the integrity of American institutions. When a former president continues to spread lies about the electoral process and label public servants as criminals without evidence, it chips away at the public’s trust in democracy.
The nation would be better served if President Trump focused on policies and not on people who he thinks slighted him. The office of the President is indeed bombarded with day-to-day crisis decision-making opportunities. If all one thinks about is the exacting of revenge, those decisions crucial to the stability of the nation will be made without careful consideration as to the consequences to the nation if one makes the wrong choice. Personal issues must be sidelined if the nation is to survive the next four years.
Moreover, this vendetta-driven politics is corrosive to the fabric of the American government. Individuals who have spent years, even decades, in public service—like General Milley and Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger—deserve to be treated with respect, even if their views diverge from the political mainstream. Attacking these figures not only distorts the truth but also undermines the value of public service itself. It suggests that loyalty to Trump is more important than loyalty to the country.
Trump’s vendetta also serves as a dangerous precedent for future leaders. It sends a message that if a public servant does not bow to the whims of the president, they risk being personally and professionally destroyed. This is a clear departure from democratic ideals, where healthy debate and disagreement should be encouraged, not punished.
Conclusion: The Need for Accountability Over Vengeance
Donald Trump’s obsession with seeking revenge on public servants who oppose him is a symptom of a broader issue: his inability to accept criticism and his tendency to lash out at anyone who challenges his worldview. Whether it’s the baseless claim that the 2020 election was stolen or his characterization of well-respected individuals as criminals without evidence, Trump’s actions reveal a deep-seated need to control the narrative at any cost.
The distinction between a criminal charge and a criminal conviction is vital in this context. Trump’s rhetoric often blurs this line to serve his political and personal goals, but without a conviction, his claims remain just that—unfounded accusations. As a society, it is essential to hold accountable those who use power for personal vendettas, especially when such actions undermine the democratic principles that the United States is built upon.
Let me admit that I decided to concentrate on the question of Trump’s call for revenge exclusively. While this was not the overarching theme of the speech, it does point to a disjointed approach to the awesome responsibility of being President of the United States. As I wrote above, if one only has revenge on one’s mind then dealing with the day-to-day responsibilities of the office, duties that cannot be delegated to others.
A mind cluttered with issues unrelated to the business at hand means that one cannot provide full attention to the crisis at hand. That being said, the President has a responsibility to ALL the people, not merely to his problems whether real or imagined. When the framers of the Constitution wrote those mystical words WE THE PEOPLE in larger print, they meant ALL OF US then and NOW. I wish President Trump well in his term in office. I sincerely hope he can overcome his need to punish others for no good reason.
Sources Cited
Associated Press. (2021). *Trump falsely claims the election was stolen despite court rulings*. Cheney, L. (2021). *Republicanism and accountability in the modern era*. The Washington Post.
Kinzinger, A. (2021). *Reflections on leadership in an era of Trumpism*. National Review.
Milley, M. (2021). *A general’s perspective on loyalty, democracy, and service*. The Atlantic.
Suggestions for Further Reading
Ocasio-Cortez, A. (2020). *The Fight for Accountability: What Trump’s Presidency Revealed*.
Baime, A. (2022). *Loyalty and Leadership: The U.S. Military Under Trump*.
Greene, S. (2021). *Power, Politics, and Retribution: The Danger of Presidential Vengeance*.
Brooks, D. (2020). *The Politics of Polarization: Understanding America’s Deep Divisions*.
Smith, T. (2023). *American Democracy at the Crossroads: Navigating the Trump Era*.
Johnson, M. (2021). *Rhetoric vs. Reality: How Trump’s Lies Undermine Democracy*.
Ponder, R. (2020). *The Legacies of Public Servants: Serving Beyond the Party Line*.
Goldman, E. (2022). *The Case for Civility in American Politics*.
Pierce, S. (2023). *The Making of a President: Understanding Trump’s Psychological Profile*.
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