A Shameful Anachronism Of The Small And Slaveholding States
The Historical Origins of the Electoral College & Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College
Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College is the theme of this post. A brief summary of the historical context for the inclusion of the Electoral College requirement in the Constitution seems to be the most reasonable place to start.
The Electoral College emerged from one of the most contentious debates at the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Delegates grappled with a fundamental question: how to elect the president in a nation divided by population size and regional interests. Large states, predominantly in the North, favored direct popular elections. Smaller states and Southern slaveholding states, however, feared that such a system would leave them politically marginalized.
The compromise that emerged was deeply entwined with slavery. Southern states secured the infamous “Three-Fifths Compromise,” counting enslaved individuals as three-fifths of a person for representation purposes. This inflated their population numbers in the House of Representatives and, by extension, the Electoral College. For example, Virginia, with its large enslaved population, dominated early presidential elections, producing four of the first five presidents.
This system was never about equality or fairness. It was a mechanism to entrench the political power of slaveholders. In the 21st century, the Electoral College continues to distribute power unequally, privileging smaller states and undermining the principle of one person, one vote. States like Wyoming hold disproportionately high influence compared to populous states like California. For every electoral vote, a Wyoming resident wields almost four times the voting power of a Californian. All the more Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College.
Electoral College Failures in the Last 50 Years
The Electoral College has repeatedly contradicted the popular will, exposing its democratic shortcomings. In 2000, George W. Bush lost the popular vote by over 500,000 votes to Al Gore. Yet, a razor-thin margin in Florida, coupled with the Supreme Court’s controversial decision to halt recounts, awarded Bush the presidency. The fallout included intensified partisanship and questions about the legitimacy of Bush’s administration, especially as the country faced the September 11 attacks and the Iraq War.
The 2016 election underscored the system’s flaws even more starkly. Hillary Clinton secured nearly 3 million more votes than Donald Trump, yet lost the presidency due to key Electoral College victories in swing states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. These states collectively decided the election, even though their combined population is smaller than California’s. The result deepened political polarization, as many Americans saw Trump’s presidency as an affront to democratic norms.
These examples are not anomalies but predictable outcomes of a system that values geography over people. By prioritizing electoral votes, candidates focus on a handful of swing states, neglecting the concerns of voters in safe blue or red states.

5 Reasons to Support Majority Rule Elections
Restoring Democracy
A majority rule system ensures that every vote matters equally, regardless of location. Under the current system, a farmer in Iowa wields outsized influence compared to a factory worker in New York. A direct election would give equal weight to both, creating a more representative democracy.
Preventing Minority Rule
The Electoral College enables presidents to take office without majority support. Donald Trump’s presidency is a prime example. While millions more Americans voted for his opponent, Trump governed with policies often out of step with the majority’s preferences. Such minority rule risks delegitimizing the presidency.
Eliminating Partisan Manipulation
Swing states like Florida, Pennsylvania, and Arizona dominate campaign strategies, receiving outsized attention. Candidates cater to their needs, often neglecting issues affecting the majority of Americans. For instance, during the 2020 election, both candidates spent unprecedented resources in these states, sidelining voters in reliably red or blue states.
Simplifying Elections
A direct popular vote would eliminate the potential chaos of a tied Electoral College, which sends the decision to the House of Representatives. In such scenarios, each state delegation gets one vote, meaning Wyoming’s delegation has the same weight as California’s. A direct vote avoids this undemocratic tiebreaker entirely.
Aligning with Global Standards
The U.S. is one of the few democracies that doesn’t elect its leader by a popular vote. Countries like France, South Korea, and India rely on majority rule, enhancing their leaders’ legitimacy and aligning leadership with the will of the people.
How an Amendment Could End Electoral Gridlock: Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College
A Constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College would simplify and democratize presidential elections. Currently, a tied Electoral College vote sends the decision to the House of Representatives, where political gamesmanship often overrides the public’s voice. For example, in the contested election of 1800, the House took 36 votes to finally select Thomas Jefferson as president, with backroom deals shaping the outcome.
Such scenarios are relics of the past, yet they remain possible under the current system. In 2020, there were concerns about a potential tie if battleground states flipped unpredictably. By adopting majority rule, presidential elections would reflect the national vote, avoiding the complications of House intervention.
Overcoming Barriers to Change
Critics of reform often argue that the Electoral College protects federalism by ensuring smaller states retain a voice. However, this claim ignores the system’s undemocratic outcomes and its origins in slavery. Smaller states already benefit from equal representation in the Senate; they do not need disproportionate influence in presidential elections as well. Isn’t it time to seriously consider Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College?
Achieving reform will require a broad coalition of support. Activists could push for interstate compacts like the National Popular Vote initiative, which pledges a state’s electors to the national popular vote winner once enough states join. Public pressure, alongside bipartisan cooperation, could eventually drive Congress to propose a Constitutional amendment. The Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College are compelling and must lead to a serious discussion of real change.
A New Era for Presidential Elections: Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College
Eliminating the Electoral College would realign the presidency with democratic ideals. A direct popular vote ensures that the president represents the majority’s will, not the quirks of an outdated system. By doing so, the United States would join the ranks of modern democracies, reinforcing the legitimacy of its leaders and the strength of its democratic institutions. Electing Presidents who did not win the popular vote is undemocratic topping the Reasons to Abolish the Electoral College.
Suggestions for Further Reading
“Why We Need the Electoral College” by Tara Ross
A defense of the Electoral College, exploring its historical purpose and arguing for its relevance today.
“Let the People Pick the President: The Case for Abolishing the Electoral College” by Jesse Wegman
A detailed critique of the Electoral College, advocating for its replacement with a national popular vote.
“The Federalist Papers” by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay
Particularly Federalist No. 68, which outlines the original rationale behind the Electoral College.
“Electoral Dysfunction: A Survival Manual for American Voters” by Victoria Bassetti
An accessible guide examining the challenges and inequities of the U.S. electoral system.
“How Democratic Is the American Constitution?” by Robert A. Dahl
A seminal work critiquing undemocratic aspects of the Constitution, including the Electoral College.
“The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States” by Alexander Keyssar
An in-depth history of voting rights and electoral practices, including debates over the Electoral College.
“Slavery and the Founders: Race and Liberty in the Age of Jefferson” by Paul Finkelman
Examines how slavery shaped early American political structures, including the Electoral College.
“Democracy in America” by Alexis de Tocqueville
Offers insights into early American democracy and its contradictions, including the Electoral College.
“Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop: The Case for Multiparty Democracy in America” by Lee Drutman
Explores how reforms like abolishing the Electoral College could promote fairer and more representative governance.
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